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Subtle Crypto

The Subtle Crypto Interface provides an advanced way to manage cryptographic operations such as encryption, decryption, signing, signature verifications, key wrapping/unwrapping, key import/export, etc. The Key lifecycle management should be done by the developers. The Subtle Crypto interface offers more algoritm and cryptographic mode as well as configuration.

Using Subtle Crypto APIs from Applications

Generating Keys

ClassOperationParameters: typeReturnsBehavior
Crypto.SubtlegenerateKeyalgorithm: T, extractable: boolean, usages: string[]Result<CryptoKey, Error>Generate a CryptoKey based on the algorithm object and usages provided. Return a ResultSet Result<CryptoKey, Error> containing either the generated CryptoKey or an Error.

A CryptoKey contains the key type and usages and is an handle on the key.

class CryptoKey extends Key 
    algorithm!: string;
    extractable!: boolean;
    usages!: string[];

Generating RSA Key

For generating RSA key, the algorithm object to use is Crypto.RsaHashedKeyGenParams.

class RsaHashedKeyGenParams {
    modulusLength: u32 = 2048; // 2048, 3072, 4096
    publicExponent: u32 = 65537;
    hash: string = 'SHA2-256'; // "SHA2-256", "SHA2-384", "SHA2-512"
import { Crypto } from '@klave/sdk';
* @query
export function subtleCryptoRSA(): void
    // Generate RSA key
    let rsaKey = Crypto.Subtle.generateKey({modulusLength: 2048, publicExponent: 65537, hash: "SHA2-256"} as Crypto.RsaHashedKeyGenParams, true, ["encrypt", "decrypt", "sign", "verify"]);

Generating EC Key

For generating EC key, the algorithm object to use is Crypto.EcKeyGenParams.

export class EcKeyGenParams {
    namedCurve: string = 'P-256'; // "P-256", "P-384", "P-521"
import { Crypto } from '@klave/sdk';
* @query
export function subtleCryptoEC(): void
    // Generate EC key
    let eccKey = Crypto.Subtle.generateKey({namedCurve: "P-256"} as Crypto.EcKeyGenParams, true, ["sign", "verify"]);

Generating AES Key

For generating AES key, the algorithm object to use is Crypto.AesKeyGenParams.

class AesKeyGenParams {
    length: u32 = 256; // 128, 192, 256
import { Crypto } from '@klave/sdk';
* @query
export function subtleCryptoAES(): void
    // Generate AES key
    let aesKey = Crypto.Subtle.generateKey({length: 256} as Crypto.AesKeyGenParams, true, ["encrypt", "decrypt"]);

Data encryption and decryption

ClassOperationParameters: typeReturnsBehavior
Crypto.Subtleencryptalgorithm: T, key: CryptoKey, clearText: ArrayBufferResult<ArrayBuffer, Error>Encrypt the clearText with the algorithm object and keyprovided. Return an ArrayBuffer containing the cipherText or an Error.
Crypto.Subtledecryptalgorithm: T, key: CryptoKey, cipherText: ArrayBufferResult<ArrayBuffer, Error>Decrypt the cipherText with the algorithm object and keyprovided. Return an ArrayBuffer containing the clearText or an Error.


For encrypting with AES-GCM you need an AES key and to use the Crypto.AesGcmParams algorithm object.

class AesGcmParams {
    iv!: ArrayBuffer; // iv cannot be empty
    additionalData: ArrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(0);
    tagLength: u32 = 128;
import { Crypto } from '@klave/sdk';
* @query
export function subtleCryptoAESGCM(): void
    // Generate AES key
    let aesKeyResult = Crypto.Subtle.generateKey({length: 256} as Crypto.AesKeyGenParams, true, ["encrypt", "decrypt"]);
    let aesKey = aesKeyResult.data as Crypto.CryptoKey;
    // Generate iv
    let iv = Crypto.getRandomValues(12);
    let aesGcmParams = {iv : iv.buffer, additionalData : new ArrayBuffer(0),  tagLength : 128} as Crypto.AesGcmParams;
    let cipher = Crypto.Subtle.encrypt(aesGcmParams, aesKey, String.UTF8.encode("Hello World"));
    let clearText = Crypto.Subtle.decrypt(aesGcmParams, aesKey, cipher.data as ArrayBuffer);


For encrypting with RSA-OAEP you need an RSA key and to use the Crypto.RsaOaepParams algorithm object.

export class RsaOaepParams {
    label: ArrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(0);
import { Crypto } from '@klave/sdk';
* @query
export function subtleCryptoRSAOAEP(): void
    // Generate RSA key
    let rsakeyResult = Crypto.Subtle.generateKey({modulusLength: 2048, publicExponent: 65537, hash: "SHA2-256"} as Crypto.RsaHashedKeyGenParams, true, ["encrypt", "decrypt"]);
    let rsaKey = rsakeyResult.data as Crypto.CryptoKey;
    // Encrypt and Decrypt
    let rsaOaepParams = {label : new ArrayBuffer(0)} as Crypto.RsaOaepParams;
    let cipher = Crypto.Subtle.encrypt(rsaOaepParams, rsaKey, String.UTF8.encode("Hello World"));
    let clearText = Crypto.Subtle.decrypt(rsaOaepParams, rsaKey, cipher.data as ArrayBuffer);

Signing and Verifying

ClassOperationParameters: typeReturnsBehavior
Crypto.Subtlesignalgorithm: T, key: CryptoKey, data: ArrayBufferResult<ArrayBuffer, Error>Sign the data with the algorithm object and key provided. Return an ArrayBuffer containing the signature or an Error.
Crypto.Subtleverifyalgorithm: T, key: CryptoKey, data: ArrayBuffer, signature: ArrayBufferResult<Crypto.SignatureVerification, Error>Verify the signature against the data with the algorithm object and key provided. Return an Crypto.SignatureVerification containing a boolean or an Error.


For ECDSA signature you need an EC key pair and to use the Crypto.EcdsaParams algorithm object.

export class EcdsaParams {
    hash: string = 'SHA2-256'; // "SHA2-256", "SHA2-384", "SHA2-512"
import { Crypto } from '@klave/sdk';
* @query
export function subtleCryptoECDSA(): void
    // Generate EC key
    let eccKeyResult = Crypto.Subtle.generateKey({namedCurve: "P-256"} as Crypto.EcKeyGenParams, true, ["sign", "verify"]);
    let eccKey = eccKeyResult.data as Crypto.CryptoKey;
    // Sign and Verify
    let ecdsaParams = {hash: "SHA2-256"} as Crypto.EcdsaParams;
    let signEcc = Crypto.Subtle.sign(ecdsaParams, eccKey, String.UTF8.encode("Hello World"));
    let verifyEcc = Crypto.Subtle.verify(ecdsaParams, eccKey, String.UTF8.encode("Hello World"), signEcc.data as ArrayBuffer);
    let verification = verifyEcc.data as SignatureVerification;
    // Validate signature : if(verification.isValid) ...


For RSA-PSS signature you need an RSA key pair and to use the Crypto.RsaPssParams algorithm object.

export class RsaPssParams {
    saltLength: u32 = 0;
import { Crypto } from '@klave/sdk';
* @query
export function subtleCryptoRSAPSS(): void
    // Generate RSA key
    let rsaKeyResult = Crypto.Subtle.generateKey({modulusLength: 2048, publicExponent: 65537, hash: "SHA2-256"} as Crypto.RsaHashedKeyGenParams, true, ["sign", "verify"]);
    let rsaKey = rsaKeyResult.data as Crypto.CryptoKey;
    // Sign and Verify
    let rsaPssParams = {saltLength: 32} as Crypto.RsaPssParams;
    let signRsa = Crypto.Subtle.sign(rsaPssParams, rsaKey, String.UTF8.encode("Hello World"));
    let verifyRsa = Crypto.Subtle.verify(rsaPssParams, rsaKey, String.UTF8.encode("Hello World"), signRsa.data as ArrayBuffer);
    let verification = verifyRsa.data as SignatureVerification;
    // Validate signature : if(verification.isValid) ...

Key wrapping

ClassOperationParameters: typeReturnsBehavior
Crypto.SubtlewrapKeyformat: string, key: CryptoKey, wrappingKey: CryptoKey, wrapAlgo: TResult<ArrayBuffer, Error>Wrap the keyin the format specified with the wrappingKey using the wrapping algorithm. Return an ArrayBuffer containing the wrapped key or an Error.
Crypto.SubtleunwrapKeyformat: string, wrappedKey: ArrayBuffer, unwrappingKey: CryptoKey, unwrapAlgo: T, unwrappedKeyAlgo: E, extractable: boolean, usages: string[]Result<CryptoKey, Error>Unwrap the wrappedKey wrapped in the format with the unwrappingKey and unwrapAlgo and create a Cryptokey with the specified unwrappedKeyAlgo and parameters. Return a result set containing a Crypto.CryptoKey or an Error.

Format that can be used depending on the key you want to wrap/unwrap are the following: raw, spki, pkcs8, pkcs1, sec1.


To wrap and unwrap key with AES-KW you will need an AES key, a key to wrap and to use NamedAlgorithm.

export class NamedAlgorithm {
    name!: string;
import { Crypto } from '@klave/sdk';
* @query
export function subtleCryptoAESKW(): void
    // Generate wrapping AES key
    let aesKeyResult = Crypto.Subtle.generateKey({length: 256} as Crypto.AesKeyGenParams, true, ["wrap_key", "unwrap_key"]);
    let aesKey = aesKeyResult.data as Crypto.CryptoKey;
    // Generate AES key to wrap
    let aesKeyToWrapResult = Crypto.Subtle.generateKey({length: 256} as Crypto.AesKeyGenParams, true, ["encrypt", "decrypt"]);
    let aesKeyToWrap = aesKeyToWrapResult.data as Crypto.CryptoKey;
    // Wrap and Unwrap
    let aesKwParams = {name: "AES-KW"} as Crypto.NamedAlgorithm;
    let wrappedKeyResult = Crypto.Subtle.wrapKey("raw", aesKeyToWrap, aesKey, aesKwParams);
    let unwrappedKeyResult = Crypto.Subtle.unwrapKey("raw", wrappedKeyResult.data, aesKey, aesKwParams, {length: 256} as Crypto.AesKeyGenParams, true, ["encrypt", "decrypt"]);


To wrap and unwrap key with AES-GCM you will need an AES key, a key to wrap and to use Crypto.AesGcmParams algorithm object.

import { Crypto } from '@klave/sdk';
* @query
export function subtleCryptoAESGCM(): void
    // Generate wrapping AES key
    let aesKeyResult = Crypto.Subtle.generateKey({length: 256} as Crypto.AesKeyGenParams, true, ["wrap_key", "unwrap_key"]);
    let aesKey = aesKeyResult.data as Crypto.CryptoKey;
    // Generate AES key to wrap
    let aesKeyToWrapResult = Crypto.Subtle.generateKey({length: 256} as Crypto.AesKeyGenParams, true, ["encrypt", "decrypt"]);
    let aesKeyToWrap = aesKeyToWrapResult.data as Crypto.CryptoKey;
    // Wrap and Unwrap
    let iv = Crypto.getRandomValues(12);
    let aesGcmParams = {iv : iv.buffer, additionalData : new ArrayBuffer(0),  tagLength : 128} as Crypto.AesGcmParams;
    let wrappedKeyResult = Crypto.Subtle.wrapKey("raw", aesKeyToWrap, aesKey, aesGcmParams);
    let unwrappedKeyResult = Crypto.Subtle.unwrapKey("raw", wrappedKeyResult.data, aesKey, aesGcmParams, {length: 256} as Crypto.AesKeyGenParams, true, ["encrypt", "decrypt"]);


To wrap and unwrap key with RSA-OAEP you will need an RSA key, a key to wrap and to use Crypto.RsaOaepParams algorithm object.

import { Crypto } from '@klave/sdk';
* @query
export function subtleCryptoRSAOAEP(): void
    // Generate wrapping RSA key
    let rsakeyResult = Crypto.Subtle.generateKey({modulusLength: 2048, publicExponent: 65537, hash: "SHA2-256"} as Crypto.RsaHashedKeyGenParams, true, ["wrap_key", "unwrap_key"]);
    let rsaKey = rsakeyResult.data as Crypto.CryptoKey;
    // Generate AES key to wrap
    let aesKeyToWrapResult = Crypto.Subtle.generateKey({length: 256} as Crypto.AesKeyGenParams, true, ["encrypt", "decrypt"]);
    let aesKeyToWrap = aesKeyToWrapResult.data as Crypto.CryptoKey;
    // Wrap and Unwrap
    let rsaOaepParams = {label : new ArrayBuffer(0)} as Crypto.RsaOaepParams;
    let wrappedKeyResult = Crypto.Subtle.wrapKey("raw", aesKeyToWrap, rsaKey, rsaOaepParams);
    let unwrappedKeyResult = Crypto.Subtle.unwrapKey("raw", wrappedKeyResult.data, rsaKey, rsaOaepParams, {length: 256} as Crypto.AesKeyGenParams, true, ["encrypt", "decrypt"]);

Importing and Exporting key

ClassOperationParameters: typeReturnsBehavior
Crypto.SubtleimportKeyformat: string, keyData: ArrayBuffer, algorithm: T, extractable: boolean, usages: string[]Result<CryptoKey, Error>Import a key from the keyDatain the format specified. Return a result set containing the CryptoKey or an Error.
Crypto.SubtleexportKeyformat: string, key: CryptoKeyResult<ArrayBuffer, Error>Export the key in the specified format. Return a result set containing a ArrayBuffer of the exported key or an Error.

Depending on the type of Key to export or import the format to use are the following: raw, spki, pkcs8, pkcs1, sec1.

If the key is not extractable then export will fail.

import { Crypto } from '@klave/sdk';
* @query
export function subtleCryptoExportImportKey(): void
    // Generate AES key to export
    let aesKeyResult = Crypto.Subtle.generateKey({length: 256} as Crypto.AesKeyGenParams, true, ["encrypt", "decrypt"]);
    let aesKey = aesKeyResult.data as Crypto.CryptoKey;
    // Export and Import
    let aesKeyExport = Crypto.Subtle.exportKey("raw", aesKey);
    let importedAesKey = Crypto.Subtle.importKey("raw", aesKeyExport.data, {length: 256} as Crypto.AesKeyGenParams, true, ["encrypt", "decrypt"]);

Making data digest

The interface can be accessed through the Crypto.SHA keyword and is compatible with SHA2 and SHA3 digest.

ClassOperationParameters: typeReturnsBehavior
Crypto.Subtledigestalgorithm: string, data: ArrayBufferResult<ArrayBuffer, Error>Generate a digest of the data based on the algorithm specified. Return a ResultSet Result<ArrayBuffer, Error> containing either the digest in an ArrayBuffer or an Error.
import { Crypto } from '@klave/sdk';
* @query
export function CryptoSHA_Test(): void
    let data = String.UTF8.encode("Hello World");
    let sha256 = Crypto.Subtle.digest("SHA2-256", data);
    let sha384 = Crypto.Subtle.digest("SHA2-384", data);
    let sha512 = Crypto.Subtle.digest("SHA2-512", data);
    let sha3_256 = Crypto.Subtle.digest("SHA3-256", data);
    let sha3_384 = Crypto.Subtle.digest("SHA3-384", data);
    let sha3_512 = Crypto.Subtle.digest("SHA3-512", data);

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